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Group rideApproach

FasterSpin Coaching is not your typical coaching service, I strive to exceed your expectation by personally talking with you, riding with you, and working alongside you to reach goals. I do not provide boiler plate workouts, there is no limit on email correspondence, and I require weekly updates on your progress.  The workouts I prescribe are based your goals, on your training tolerance over the last 7 to 14 days, and the hours you have available to train.  There is a minimum training time to see results and this can vary by athlete.

Athletes are expected to have a heart rate monitor and cadence on their bike computers, or a power meter, for my program. 

Cyclists in Oregon must be opportunistic.  Generally from October to early March (off-period) is our rainy season, and coupled with less daylight leaves riding outdoors difficult and dangerous.  Depending on an athlete's needs, I normally prescribe some cross-training activities, trainer or rollers workouts, core and strength exercises, and yoga/stretching exercises. I will personally show you how to do many of the exercises on a single visit and discuss whether a gym or yoga program is appropriate.   

On-road period is mid-March through September and is the time we prepare you for your "A" event.  Training programs are developed over a 14-21 day period, but is modified based on your previous 7-day training, and ability to complete the plan.  We will schedule a 1.5 hour evaluation ride so I can check general bike fit, flexibility, climbing and descending techniques, pedaling style and general condition. If you need bike fitting services I can direct you to a competent fitter in Portland.  On a separate day we will conduct a 10 or 20 minute field test depending on your condition. This will establish your Threshold Level and development of Training Zones. You will be expected to complete this field test every 4-6 weeks and update your training zones.  During the season I will do at least one training ride per month to check your progress, this may also be one of your event rides.

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